Reach Your Goals Faster
With The Immunity to Change
Mapping Workshop
In this free on-demand workshop you will learn the 5-step process to map out your mindset and discover where and why you self-sabotage, so you’ll have the power to make better choices that align you with your goals.
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Sound Familiar?
You built this business for MORE FREEDOM and SECURITY, but now you’re getting crushed under a to-do list and always feel like you’re not doing enough.
You know how important mindset is to your success and you consciously MANAGE YOUR MIND, but it feels like you’re “mindsetting” yourself right into exhaustion.
You’ve done it mostly by yourself because asking for help is difficult and anytime you HIRE SOMEONE, it’s out of dire straits and ends up not being the RIGHT FIT.
Imagine the freedom of…
Opening space to give yourself grace and begin to let go of feelings of fear, shame, guilt, and comparison.
Being aware of when you are self-sabotaging and get the insight needed to make different choices that move you towards your vision.
Having an incredible tool you can keep using anytime you hit a plateau and get stuck, for the rest of your life!
Here’s the Truth…
The brain is incredibly clever at ensuring survival. It creates an immune system that is designed to keep you safe. The problem is that these immune systems were created when you were young based on your experiences then. As your life circumstances and goals grow, the unconscious continues to operate in the background as though you’re still that little girl.
That’s why strategy, willpower, and accountability without the inner work are ineffective. If it feels like you’re stuck, having to keep starting over, or get pulled off course–it’s a tell-tale sign you have an immunity to change. Much like an auto-immune response where the body turns on itself…the brain will do the same thing.
Discover the Mindset Shifts to Unlock Your Freedom
Enter your name and best email to access your FREE on-demand Immunity to Change Mapping Workshop
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Hi, I’m Alecia
and I’m so glad you’re here!
I’m a Certified Immunity-to-Change Coach, Soul Purpose Oracle, and found of The Conscious Edge – a leadership and personal development company focused on empowering women entrepreneurs.
Growing up as an investor and training more than 10,000 real estate entrepreneurs in strategies like wholesale and probate, I learned that investment techniques and tactics are only a small part of your toolbox.
Seeing so many women in the real estate industry struggle with overworking, analysis paralysis, money blocks, and conflict avoidance led me to my calling as a coach.
Plus, when I became a wife and mother, I realized there’s a whole other layer learning to balance your ambition with what’s most important to you.
Merging metholodolgies of modern science and ancient wisdom, I help women in real estate develop their self-awareness and a leadership mindset, so they can grow their business with less grind and more fulfillment.

Want to See What’s Really Getting in Your Way?
Enter your name and best email to access your FREE on-demand Immunity to Change Mapping Workshop
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