Hey Love!
Using a combination of modern science and ancient wisdom, you’re led on a holistic path for unpacking uncomfortable emotions, creating new thought patterns, and taking intentional action to elevate your leadership mindset so you shine as an authority in your arena, expand your ability to deliver impactful results, and experience joy and fulfillment in the everyday.
Listening to my toddler scream, caught in the throes of a night terror, while I was stuck working past my own bedtime, made me resent doing work I loved.
It was 10pm, just an hour and half after putting my daughter down for bed when she yet again, started to wail with one of her daily night terrors that would last for the next 45 minutes.
At the time, I was training real estate investors online to find below market deals and sell them for profit like I had learned to do from the age of 18.
Helping others to uplevel was always a passion of mine and for the first time, I didn’t want to be doing it. I realized I hadn’t built my work, even though I enjoyed it, to support my vision for my life or my higher purpose.

I wanted to find a way to do meaningful, fulfilling work that also allowed me to prioritize my own well-being and be available for the people I love.

I wanted to help people live better and make their own impact that would create a ripple effect and make this world a kinder place.
When I was pregnant I prayed for my kids to be kind above all else, knowing that being kind would help them go far.
What I didn’t realize was that my definition of kind at the time was a little more like doormat, needing to be liked, people-pleaser.
I had created a lot of success from an early age by knowing how to make sure everyone was happy and I was well-liked.
I also worried a lot about what other people thought which led me into a lot of procrastination, overthinking, and overwhelm.
I was on the fast-track to burnout.
I kept thinking, “Who am I to think I can do this?” and comparing myself to others who were further along than me.
Can you relate?
I already knew the importance of managing my mind, having a vision, and being positive and even though I practiced those things, I didn’t realize how much I was still making decisions from a scarcity mindset.
But then everything changed when I learned it wasn’t a matter of me being “not good enough,” it was an entire operating system of unconscious thoughts designed to keep me safe.
There’s a primal system of self-protection that was developed when I was much younger to guarantee my survival and not necessarily in alignment with who I was becoming.
And I knew it was true for the over 10,000 real estate entrepreneurs I had trained who also struggled with self-doubt, overworking, and decision-making despite knowing the best strategies for making money and building businesses.
Your business will never grow beyond where your unconscious brain decides you’re safe.

My calling was clear and I became a Certified Immunity to Change™ Coach and founded The Conscious Edge – a leadership and personal development company focused on empowering women business owners to align what they do for money with what lights them up and serves a higher purpose.
In my own process of becoming a coach and continuing to evolve, I’ve learned how to unpack my emotions, understand what they’re trying to tell me, and retrain my unconscious brain to believe new things that support my vision.
I’ve integrated compassionate leadership practices into my business that embody the kindness I value.
I’m living a life that combines what I’m good at with what I love to do and I get to make money doing it without sacrificing my own well-being and I have time for the people I love.
And most importantly, I help women like you do it too!
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Are you ready to play a bigger game without burning out?
Get my free training for women business owners who want to expand their businesses in a sustainable way that puts what matters most first.
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