Creating Your Ideal Conference Experience Even When It Doesn’t Meet Your Expectations

Welcome back. It’s so lovely to have you as part of The Conscious Edge audience. I appreciate you for being here. It’s Alecia St. Germain with my friend and frequent co-host Jonathan Dugger. If you’re new, we warmly invite you to subscribe. We release new episodes every week with the mission of showcasing what it means to be human while building wealth, growing a business, and figuring it all out along the way. We aim to keep it real, sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly, with a few laughs guaranteed. 

Real Talk About Conferences

I’ve attended countless conferences over the years, especially in the real estate sector. Initially, I viewed them as pitch fests—sleazy, sales-driven events that left me feeling disillusioned. But a few years ago, something changed. I was invited to speak at a women’s conference. Despite my initial low expectations, the experience was transformative.

On the morning of the conference, I found myself in a bit of a panic. My clothes, fresh from the dry cleaner’s, had a “permastink” that I couldn’t ignore. I worried about being around people after the isolation of COVID-19 which I had completely underestimated. Thankfully, once I got there, my anxiety melted away. 

Fast forward to the most recent InvestHer Con, which I attended several weeks ago. What a difference! I had my clothes laid out a month in advance and went with a clear intention: to connect, learn, and grow. I had a plan, and I know that’s a big part of why my experience was so much better. 

Creating Your Own Experience

One profound lesson I’ve learned is that we are always creating our own experiences. At InvestHer Con, I set specific intentions and approached the event with an open heart. I realized that the value of any event is largely dependent on our mindset and intentions.

Flowing Actively with Intention

Jonathan and I often discuss the concept of “flowing actively.” It’s about being curious and engaged rather than passive. When you approach an event—or any situation—with a specific intention, you create the potential for meaningful connections and opportunities. As Jonathan eloquently put it, “Flow actively. Stay curious.” We know that where we put our focus, and where we put our energy makes all the difference in the way we experience events and daily life in general. Focus and intention matter. It’s that simple. 

Here are 3 ways you can create your own practice: 

  1. Set Your Intention: Before attending any event, know what you want to achieve. Whether it’s solving a specific problem, making connections, or simply being present, having a clear intention can transform your experience.  What will advance you to your next goal or next level? That’s a great place to begin when creating your intentions.
  2. Flow Actively with Curiosity: Be open and curious. Engage with the content and people around you. Even if a session or speaker isn’t captivating, look for the nuggets of wisdom that can still be valuable. What can you give? How can you add to the experience for others? Being an active, curious participant elevates the experience for you and for other attendees.
  3. Hold Space and Give Grace: Recognize that every speaker and attendee is on their own journey. By holding space and giving grace, you contribute positively to the collective experience. Jonathan explains that withholding judgment is another way to get the message meant for us. 

Our experiences are what we make of them. By setting clear intentions, staying curious, and holding space for others, we can create positive, enriching experiences. I hope these insights help you feel empowered and inspired to approach your next conference or event with a fresh perspective. 

Thank you for being part of our journey on The Conscious Edge podcast. Together, let’s continue to learn, grow, and create amazing experiences.

Sending you love and be well!


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Hey there!

I’m Alecia – Certified Immunity to Change Coach, Soul Purpose Oracle, and founder here at The Conscious Edge where we help you get to the root cause overworking, perfectionism, procrastination, and all the other ways you self-sabotage and lead to burn-out.  We help you develop your leadership mindset so you can grow your business financially and make an impact.