Increase Your Happiness Instantly

Finding Joy in the Little Things: A Lesson in Spontaneity and Wonderment

Welcome back to The Conscious Edge Podcast. I’m Alecia St. Germain, and today Jonathan and I are talking about one of my favorite topics: happiness and joy.

Specifically, how to find and experience joy more often. It’s easier than you might think and so worth it! 

I have another real-life story to share that perfectly encapsulates the magic that happens when we allow ourselves to embrace spontaneity, humor, and wonderment in our daily lives.

Recently, during one of our co-working sessions with my Exponential Entrepreneur clients, I witnessed a powerful moment of breakthrough. My client was struggling with a behavior change test designed to help her overcome self-sabotaging habits. Despite multiple attempts to refine the test, she couldn’t bring herself to execute it. So, I did something unconventional—I sat with her, and together, we sent out those daunting emails. The immediate positive response she received was nothing short of magical. It wasn’t just about the outcome; it was about the shift in how she saw herself and her capabilities.

This experience reminded me of the joy that can be found in the little things. As Jonathan and I discussed, our culture mistakenly leads us to think that only big, grand gestures or achievements matter. But it’s the small, spontaneous moments of joy that truly enrich our lives.

For instance, Jonathan shared how watching birds at a feeder brought him immense joy—something as simple as seeing a rainbow of birds in his backyard sparked a conversation that spread joy to others. It’s these seemingly insignificant moments that, when acknowledged and appreciated, can transform our daily experience. As Jonathan aptly put it, “Only big matters is a myth that’s harmful. It sets us up for failure and shame.”

One of the keys to finding joy is allowing spontaneity. Break out of your routine, even in small ways. If you usually rush from one task to another, take a moment to sit in a park or watch people at a coffee shop. As Jonathan said, “Pause and appreciate those opportunities. It rewires our brain and behavior, making joy a regular part of our being.”

Another vital element is maintaining a sense of wonderment, a childlike curiosity about the world around us. I recently experienced this firsthand while watching an old apartment building being torn down with my kids. We were captivated by the process, cheering as windows shattered. It was a moment of pure, unfiltered joy that I’ll remember for a long time. The simplicity of the experience was a reminder that joy doesn’t need to be complicated or grandiose—it just needs to be noticed.

In the end, it’s these little moments of spontaneity, humor, and wonderment that accumulate, creating a life filled with joy. And when we share these experiences with others, we multiply that joy exponentially. 

As you go about your day, I encourage you to look for those small opportunities to break your routine, find humor in unexpected places, and let yourself be amazed by the world around you. Joy is all around us—we just need to take the time to notice it.

Jonathan leaves us with an activity we can do to watch for and embrace joy in everyday moments. Use these ideas to enhance your own journey of spontaneous joy and happiness. 

Sending you so much love and be well!


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I’m Alecia – Certified Immunity to Change Coach, Soul Purpose Oracle, and founder here at The Conscious Edge where we help you get to the root cause overworking, perfectionism, procrastination, and all the other ways you self-sabotage and lead to burn-out.  We help you develop your leadership mindset so you can grow your business financially and make an impact.