The Real Reasons You Don’t Have Time

It’s Not About Time – How to Uncover What’s Really Holding You Back

Welcome back to The Conscious Edge podcast! Today, I want to dive into a topic that resonates deeply with our listeners—the feeling of being overwhelmed and not having enough time.

If you’re like many of the women I work with in real estate investing or the real estate industry, you might feel like you’re doing everything, wearing all the hats, and yet, not getting the results you want. You’re smart, capable, and hardworking, so what’s holding you back?

I used to say, “I don’t have time,” all the time, and I did feel that way, but I’ve since learned that it wasn’t actually about the time itself. Once I realized this, everything shifted. Today, you’ll find out why time (likely) isn’t the real issue for you either, and how to uncover what is really behind the beliefs, behaviors and actions that keep you overwhelmed.

When I work with clients who are struggling with time, we start with getting really clear on what really lights them up. Their purpose, the things that bring them joy.

I have a process for doing this that’s a blend of modern science, ancient wisdom, and life experiences. It’s powerful and creates space for us to then look at what is truly getting in the way. You’ll hear how this works, and how we use the information uncovered to help identify the “domino” goal that if accomplished, would make next steps easier.

Creating an Immunity to ChangeTM map is next, and it’s where we map out a commitment goal and begin identifying the fears we have around it. This is when it becomes clear that lack of time really isn’t what’s stopping us. Instead, we identify what’s called the big assumption.

Unravel the Big Assumption

These big assumptions are often unconscious beliefs that shape our behaviors. For example, if you believe that saying no makes you a bad person, you’ll say yes to everything and overload your schedule. The result? You stay overwhelmed, stuck, and unable to move forward in your business or personal life.

The key is to recognize these big assumptions and challenging them. What if they weren’t true? How would you show up differently if you didn’t believe that saying no made you a bad person?
I also identify and explain several other common big assumptions that show up for clients who feel like there’s more to do than hours available.

Create Planned Behavior Changes

Once you’ve identified these assumptions, it’s time to make intentional behavior changes. This process isn’t about achieving results right away but focusing on how these changes impact your life. Through this method, you start rewiring your brain, creating new neural pathways, and eventually, those old limiting beliefs lose their power.

Moving Beyond Overwhelm

The real transformation happens when you stop blaming time and start addressing the beliefs and behaviors that have kept you stuck. I know this because I’ve lived it. Today, I have more time and focus than I ever thought possible, and I use that time to show up fully for my family and business.
If today’s episode has sparked something in you, and you’re curious about what it might be like to identify your big assumption, I encourage you to visit

I’ll take you through a personalized journey, just like we did today, and help you see what’s possible for you.

Until next time, I’m sending you so much love, and remember, you have more time than you think! Jonathan will be back soon, and he’d want me to tell you to be well.



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Why You Self-Sabotage (Episode 6)

What Mindfulness Is and How to Use it Daily (Episode 19)


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Hey there!

I’m Alecia – Certified Immunity to Change Coach, Soul Purpose Oracle, and founder here at The Conscious Edge where we help you get to the root cause overworking, perfectionism, procrastination, and all the other ways you self-sabotage and lead to burn-out.  We help you develop your leadership mindset so you can grow your business financially and make an impact.