Fostering Deep Meaningful Relationships

Hey Love! Welcome back to The Conscious Edge Podcast. I’m Alecia St. Germain, and today we’re exploring the conflict that often arises when you’ve created success in your business and yet, you don’t have the time you thought you would for the people you love. This is exactly where my own journey to find balance as a new mom started and my hope is that what I learned will change the way you curate and nurture your relationships going forward.  

We set out on this wild ride thinking that once we hit a certain level of success, everything will magically fall into place. We imagine more time for ourselves, more freedom, more joy. But often, when we get there, we find ourselves just as overworked and stretched thin as before. The joy we expected to feel is missing. And that’s exactly where I found myself.

The Moment That Changed Everything

I remember vividly one night when everything shifted for me. It was late—around 10 p.m.—and I was teaching a real estate investing course online. I was a newer mom, and my daughter was upstairs crying, caught in one of her night terrors. My husband was with her, perfectly capable of handling it, but I could hear her cries through the walls. And it hit me: I don’t want to be doing this right now.

For the first time in my life, I didn’t want to be coaching, even though it’s something I love. I wanted to be with my family, and that was the moment I realized I wasn’t truly in control of my time. My business was dictating when I had to show up, and I didn’t want that anymore.

That night sparked a deep reflection. I started asking myself tough questions: Who do I want to spend my time with? What experiences do I want to have? And how can I align my business with my life, instead of the other way around?

Get Really Clear About the People Who Are Really Important in Your Life

I began by focusing on the relationships that mattered most to me. I made a list starting with my family and closest friends. As I did that, I thought about how much time I wanted to spend with them. One thing became clear: It’s the people that make life magical. 

I could be in the most beautiful place on Earth, but if I wasn’t with people who I could be myself around and they could be themselves with me, it wouldn’t matter. On the flip side, even in tough times, if I was with the right people, I could find joy.

So, I took this newfound clarity and applied it to my calendar. I started by making time for the people I loved most, and I planned my business around that—not the other way around. And here’s the crazy thing: The more I focused on the people who matter and the less I focused on doing “all the things,” the more my business grew.

The Freedom of Letting Go

As I went deeper into this process, I realized something profound: It’s not about working harder; it’s about working smarter and trusting yourself. The more I let go of trying to please everyone, the more I focused on what truly brought me joy, the more everything aligned. My business became more successful, and I became more fulfilled. It was like magic.

What’s even more fascinating is that once I let go of the belief that I had to do it all, I actually made more money. Isn’t that counterintuitive? We’ve been conditioned to think that success comes from grinding it out. But in reality, success flows from clarity, focus, and creating space for what truly matters.

Get Your Roadmap for Realignment

If this resonates with you, here’s what I suggest: Start by making a list of the people and experiences that are most important to you. Then, put them on your calendar. Create time for your relationships, for self-care, and for the purpose you feel called to fulfill in your business. When you prioritize these three things—yourself, your loved ones, and your purpose—you’ll find that everything else starts to fall into place.

Yes, it may require some hard choices. You might have to say no to opportunities or relationships that don’t serve you. But trust me, the joy and fulfillment that come from aligning your life with your true priorities are worth it.

As you reflect on your own life and business, I encourage you to ask: Are you spending your time on what truly matters? If not, now is the perfect time to make that shift. Because at the end of the day, the purpose of life is to experience it—fully, joyfully, and with the people who matter most.

I’m sending you so much love. And if Jonathan were here, of course, he would say, be well.


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Hey there!

I’m Alecia – Certified Immunity to Change Coach, Soul Purpose Oracle, and founder here at The Conscious Edge where we help you get to the root cause overworking, perfectionism, procrastination, and all the other ways you self-sabotage and lead to burn-out.  We help you develop your leadership mindset so you can grow your business financially and make an impact.