The Journey of Creating Wealth

My friend and co-host Jonathan Dugger should be 105 years old. You’ll understand why when you hear all the things he’s done in life. In this episode we’re diving into his personal wealth journey. He’s a wellness advocate and doctor of psychology who’s always wanted to do work that was healing related. Like many of us, how he got to where he is today wasn’t a predictable path. 

A successful entrepreneur and mentor, his story is one of resilience, adaptability, and a keen eye for opportunities, which have shaped his path to wealth creation. He’s been my friend and mentor for over 20 years, and I continue to be inspired by his kindness and his love for life. 

From Healthcare to Real Estate: A Path Less Traveled

Jonathan’s journey began with a strong inclination toward the health profession. He initially considered becoming a veterinarian and later pursued pre-med studies with aspirations of becoming a medical doctor. A transformative psychology class redirected his focus towards the mind-body connection and holistic wellness, influenced by his Native American heritage.

After several years in clinical practice, Jonathan grew disillusioned with the bureaucratic challenges of the healthcare system. I know many of us relate to that desire to eventually make a change so we can do work that is fulfilling, and Jonathan knew it was time to make a move. This dissatisfaction propelled him into entrepreneurship, where he established a consulting company and began exploring various business opportunities.

Embracing Real Estate: A Strategic Shift

Jonathan’s first significant leap into real estate occurred serendipitously. While consulting for a company in Dallas, Texas, he was introduced to real estate investment education. I love how Jonathan kept saying yes to new things! You’ll love his resourcefulness when he realized he’d prepared training with the wrong focus. He still made it work and it opened the door to more opportunities. 

A pivotal conversation with a dentist who funded his passion for medical missions through real estate investments convinced Jonathan of the potential. That’s when he began to immerse himself in real estate education and eventually started investing in single-family homes for fix-and-flip projects. His success in this area laid the foundation for further ventures.

Venturing into Mobile Homes: A Niche with Potential

Jonathan’s journey took another unexpected turn when a friend convinced him to attend a mobile home investing seminar. Although initially skeptical, he quickly recognized the untapped potential in this niche market. By the end of the first day, Jonathan was ready to invest in multiple mobile homes. 

His investment into the mobile home market proved to be highly rewarding, offering both financial returns and personal satisfaction from providing affordable housing solutions. Jonathan’s success in this area has made mobile home investing one of his primary wealth-building strategies.

The Intersection of Passion, Purpose, and Prosperity

Throughout our conversation, a recurring theme was the alignment of passion, purpose, and prosperity. Jonathan’s ability to pivot from healthcare to real estate, and eventually to mobile homes, exemplifies how identifying and pursuing one’s true calling can lead to both personal fulfillment and financial success.

Jonathan’s story is a testament to the power of adaptability, lifelong learning, and the courage to seize opportunities as they arise. His journey continues to inspire and guide me. I know that through his journey things have not always gone perfectly which is why I see so much resilience in him as well. 

Stay with us as we keep having conversations about wealth and wellness and what it means to live a truly joyful life. 

Sending you love and be well!


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I’m Alecia – Certified Immunity to Change Coach, Soul Purpose Oracle, and founder here at The Conscious Edge where we help you get to the root cause overworking, perfectionism, procrastination, and all the other ways you self-sabotage and lead to burn-out.  We help you develop your leadership mindset so you can grow your business financially and make an impact.