How Gratitude and Gratefulness Create Peacefulness

Embracing Gratitude: The Key to Thriving in Life and Business

Welcome back, and if you’re joining us for the first time, we’re thrilled to have you here! If you enjoy this podcast, please take a moment to subscribe. 

I’m Alecia St. Germain, founder and coach at The Conscious Edge, where we help women overcome procrastination, perfectionism, and imposter syndrome, enabling them to build their businesses without burnout. Today, I am joined by my amazing co-host, Jonathan Dugger, a real estate investor, clinical and sports psychologist, wellness and holistic health expert, executive coach, and corporate leadership developer.

Today we’re diving into the transformative power of gratitude and gratefulness, exploring how these practices can profoundly impact both personal and professional life. One of the reasons this is so important to both of us is the peace of mind we experience and see in others when this practice is truly understood. 

The Impatience Trap

Have you ever had moments in your business where you are impatient for the results to show up? 

Jonathan and I discussed how impatience can lead to burnout, as we push ourselves too hard trying to control every aspect of our progress. Reflecting on my own experiences, especially around Christmas 2023, I shared how frustration about my home’s unfulfilled vision turned into profound gratitude when I started focusing on all we had accomplished. This shift from frustration to gratitude brought a newfound appreciation for the present and what truly mattered.

Differentiating Gratitude and Gratefulness

Jonathan provided insightful distinctions between gratitude and gratefulness, explaining that gratefulness is an expression of gratitude. Gratitude is a mindset, a way of perceiving the world, while gratefulness is the heartfelt expression of that mindset. He emphasized that gratitude rewires our brains, shifting our focus from what we lack to appreciating our blessings.

Practicing Gratitude in Challenging Times

We also touched on the importance of finding gratitude even in difficult moments. Jonathan shared a powerful story about being at a bank during a frustrating situation following a series of tornadoes. An elderly gentleman’s simple act of expressing gratitude transformed the atmosphere, turning frustration into shared joy.

The Science and Simplicity of Gratitude

Jonathan and I discussed the science behind gratitude, referencing a leading researcher in the field, Dr. Robert Emmons. His studies show that gratitude can significantly enhance mental and physical health. While gratitude is simple, it’s not always easy. The practice of gratitude involves consistently focusing on and appreciating the good in our lives, even amid challenges.

The Skill and Practice of Gratitude

Gratitude is a skill that can be developed with practice. It’s about shifting our focus from what’s missing to what’s present and valuable in our lives. This shift can transform our mindset, reduce stress, and increase joy. So, let’s embrace gratitude not as a fluffy concept but as a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. 

It’s also worth remembering that our brains are wired to see what’s wrong, what needs to be improved, so if you go there first, that’s okay. I still do that at times, and I can also choose to switch my thoughts to what I’m thankful for right now and you can do that too. 

It’s not about being perfect, it’s about acknowledging that life gives us rich experiences, and we can learn to be thankful and let in the joy as we go. 

Thank you for joining us on this journey. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and share it with others. Let’s continue to build a community centered on gratitude, growth, and genuine human connection.

Together, we can create a more grateful and joyful world.

Sending you love and be well!



Episode 3: What to Do When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

Dr. Robert Emmons


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Hey there!

I’m Alecia – Certified Immunity to Change Coach, Soul Purpose Oracle, and founder here at The Conscious Edge where we help you get to the root cause overworking, perfectionism, procrastination, and all the other ways you self-sabotage and lead to burn-out.  We help you develop your leadership mindset so you can grow your business financially and make an impact.