When Do You Need Support?

When to Get a Coach: Finding the Right Support for Your Business Journey

Welcome back to The Conscious Edge! I’m Alecia St. Germain, and today, I’m flying solo to tackle a question I often get: “When should I get a coach? Do I need a coach, or do I need something else?” If you’ve been considering hiring outside help for your business, what I like to call “CEO support,” this episode is for you. 

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get swept up in the sea of ads and social media pitches, all claiming to have the magic solution for your business needs. It can be confusing to determine whether you need a coach, a mentor, a consultant, or something else entirely. That’s why I’m here to help you gain clarity and make informed decisions about the support you need to take your business to the next level.

Let’s start by defining the different types of support professionals out there. 

Consultants and Strategists: They are like architects for your business. They come in, analyze your situation, and provide you with a blueprint for success. They give you advice, lay out plans, and some offer services to plug into your business. It’s crucial to understand that while they provide the roadmap, it’s up to you and your team to implement the plan. You may think you need a consultant or strategist when the block to progress is something deeper, like mindset issues or leadership challenges.

Coaches: Their job is to bring out your potential. Think of them as the personal trainers of the business world. They might not have played your specific game, but they know how to help you unlock your abilities and achieve your goals. I consider myself a coach because I specialize in helping people shift their mindset and overcome self-sabotaging patterns, regardless of their industry.

Mentor:  A mentor is someone who has walked the path you’re on. They’ve been where you want to go and can offer valuable insights based on their experiences. It’s worth noting that not all mentors are skilled coaches. They might provide great advice, but their approach might not align with your values or life goals. It’s essential to choose a mentor whose journey resonates with your own, but also be careful not to replicate their life at the expense of your own unique path.

When to Seek a Coach

So, when should you seek out a coach? If you’re just starting out and need strategies and tactics, find a mentor or training program that can teach you the ropes. But if you’ve already got the strategies in place and are struggling with issues like procrastination, perfectionism, or imposter syndrome, it might be time to find a coach who specializes in mindset work.

In my work with clients, especially through The Exponential Entrepreneur program, we dive deep into rewiring the brain to help you move past fear, self-doubt, and the limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Hesitating to hire help, juggling too many responsibilities, or feeling stretched too thin, can all be signs that it’s time to do the inner work that will allow you to thrive.

Make the Right Choice for You

Ultimately, the decision is yours. You are responsible for creating the life and business that align with your values and goals. Give yourself permission to pick and choose the support that best serves your unique journey.

If today’s discussion resonated with you, I’d love to connect. Visit consciousedge.com/apply to fill out an application. Let’s figure out together what kind of support will help you reach your goals, whether it’s a coach like me, a different kind of expert, or maybe even just the right new hire.

Sending you so much love, and until next time, be well.


Why You Self-Sabotage (Episode 6)

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Hey there!

I’m Alecia – Certified Immunity to Change Coach, Soul Purpose Oracle, and founder here at The Conscious Edge where we help you get to the root cause overworking, perfectionism, procrastination, and all the other ways you self-sabotage and lead to burn-out.  We help you develop your leadership mindset so you can grow your business financially and make an impact.