Redefining Wealth and Finding Joy: A New Podcast Seeks to Change Your Life

Have you ever felt like there’s more to life? Are you successful but still yearning for something deeper, a sense of purpose that transcends the paycheck? I’m Alecia St. Germain, an entrepreneur and Immunity to Change coach. My clients are entrepreneurs and high-achieving professionals making the transition to being their own boss. The one thing they have in common?

A sincere desire to live a life of meaning, fulfillment, and joy. 

I’m joined by my good friend Jonathan Dugger. He’s a wellness advocate and doctor of psychology with his own passion for entrepreneurship and balance in life. Together we’re diving into what it really means to have true wealth. 

Conscious Leadership and Redefining Wealth

This isn’t your typical business or self-help podcast. We aim to go beyond the usual productivity hacks and money-making strategies. Our focus is on creating a space to explore what true wealth and fulfillment mean to you

How do each of us find our own meaning around wealth and fulfillment? When we begin to get those answers, the path to getting there gets easier. 

Finding Joy in Your Work and Life

Wanting our work to be more than a means to an end isn’t new. What’s changing is how we get there. What does it mean to be aligned with your purpose? How can you find that spark of joy in your day, no matter what your work looks like or where your passions take you?

Entrepreneurs may be the term most often used, but this conversation is for anyone looking to create a holistic life experience that’s full of joy and fulfillment and well-being. 

Balance and Well-being in a Changing World

Jonathan emphasizes the importance of this mission, especially in a world that’s been through so much change. He highlights the need for kindness to ourselves and a focus on balanced living – all key ingredients to true well-being. He also outlines what wellness means in the context of wealth and work. It doesn’t have to be one at the expense of the other. He’s been an incredible thought partner and sounding board for me, and I know you’ll find his insights helpful for you too. 

A Welcoming Space for Self-Discovery

More than just information, The Conscious Edge podcast is a safe space for exploration. I’m on my own mission to help entrepreneurs and professionals find the path forward that brings joy and meaning along with money and fulfillment. 

Looking Forward

This podcast is for anyone who wants more from life. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, I hope you find our blend of expertise and compassion to be a valuable resource to a more fulfilling life. 

We’re all on this journey together and I hope you’ll join in and be part of the conversation. 


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Hey there!

I’m Alecia – Certified Immunity to Change Coach, Soul Purpose Oracle, and founder here at The Conscious Edge where we help you get to the root cause overworking, perfectionism, procrastination, and all the other ways you self-sabotage and lead to burn-out.  We help you develop your leadership mindset so you can grow your business financially and make an impact.